Moment d histoire avec Peter Martin
Les compétitions internationales permettent de faire de belles rencontres...

Hier, à Helsinki, nous avons diner avec Peter Martin, 7e dan, ancien membre de l'équipe de Grande Bretagne avec David Starbrook. A 78 ans il est toujours présent sur les tatami comme "juge international kata" et il nous a fait partager sa passion du judo...
Nous espérons bien le voir un jour à Chambéry... l'occasion pour lui de retrouver son camarade Lord David Starbrook (10e dan) qui est souvent en Savoie...

Here are some more picture.
In 1970 I became a member of the Renshuden Judo Academy in London and trained together with David Starbrook.I moved to Sweden in 1973 and married my Italien wife Norris. I worked for Volvo Heavy Truck Inc. until I retired.I left the British Judo Association in 1973 and became a member of Judo Club Budo and the Swedish Judo Federation - I still am.
Pictures 1 - 2 and 3 are from when I became the Swedish Heavyweight Champion in 1975.In the final, I met the Swedish policeman who was Police European Champion.He was 193 cm and weighed 130 kg.I won with my right tai otoshi.
4. is from when I attended the first IJF Kodokan Kata Seminar at the Olympic Center in Rome, Italy.There were people from all over the world taking part.The seminar was led by Daigo sensei and assisted by Sato sensei (who teaches on the Kodokan Kime no kata DVD)and Sengoku sensei (who teaches on the Kodokan Katame no kata DVD).Iura sensei (standing to the right) translated the teaching of Daigo sensei on the seminar from Japanese to English.
5. is of Sengoku sensei and me at the Olympic Center in Rome.
6. When I became an EJU/IJF Kata Judge, I judged for several years at the Tours kata tournament in Tours, France...Do you recoggnise the french judges? Take a look !

Some more pictures. 1. Umetsu sensei (now Kodokan 9 Dan) teaching Ju no kata at the Kodokan Summer Course. Iura sensei Kodokan 8 Dan is explaining in English the techniques. Umetsu sensei and her English student Margot Sathaye came to Stockholm, Sweden in August 1999, and she taught Ju no kata. I was on the course - so Umetsu sensei was the one that taught me the ju no kata. ![]()
After the IJF Kata Course in the Olympic Center Rome Italy Easter 2000, Iura sensei told me he lives now in Iceland (his wife is from there). He asked me if I was interested in him coming to Sweden to teach kata - I said of course "Yes please"! Since then Iura sensei has been coming here every year teaching us kata. 2. In 2003 I was asked to become a Kata Judge for the World Masters Judo Association, which is based in America and Canada. The Kata Director was Keiko Fukuda sensei Kodokan 9 Dan, seen here in Toronto Canada coaching Ju no kata at the seminar after the Kata Tournament. I thought she was amazing! ![]()
She was the last living Judo student of Jigaro Kano Shihan. She would sit at the edge of the mat in her wheelchair - and if she saw something wrong, she would jump up and go over to correct it. In May 2004, I was awarded my EJU (European Judo Union) Kata Licence at the Olympic Center Rome Italy. December 2005 I was selected to be a Member of the EJU Kata Commission at the EJU Congress in Moscow Russia. In October 2007 I represented the EJU as a kata judge at the 1st Kodokan Judo Kata International Tournament, held at the Kodokan. In November 2008 I was awarded my IJF (International Judo Federation) Kata Licence in Paris France. 3. The judges meeting at the 1st Kodokan Judo Kata International Tournament. ![]()
4. Me, representing Sweden, judging Kime no kata. ![]()
5. The medal ceremony. ![]()
6. The judges, from the 5 Continental Unions of the IJF - plus the Kodokan senseis. I am standing on the left, behind Umetsu sensei.
Do you recognize any of the others? |